Greetings Midwest Rocky Mtn. Region

Greetings Midwest Rocky Mtn. Region!


Once again, Sister Isabel & I are blessed to be re-appointed to lead this Great Region, for the Glory of God! 

We just concluded a powerfully Spirit filled and anointed 102nd.  International General Assembly, where over ten thousand worshippers gathered.

For the “Highlights” of this great gathering, visit the website or maybe even in our Regional Facebook page you will see some posted by others.

More information will be soon coming as to the Vision, plans, events, classes, retreats, and special gatherings!

And to share a few already in the works:

August 30- September 1, 2024-Men’s Retreat in Ashland Nebraska

September 27-29,2024 Ladies Retreat in Omaha Nebraska

Finance & Stewardship Committee meeting (tba) soon.

October 6-9,2024-North America Bishop’s Summit, Cleveland Tennessee

October 9-11, 2024- Healthy Church Dynamics (Church Planting Leaders training) Cleveland Tn.

It is an honor to serve you!

Please let us know if there is anything we can do to enhance and assist you in your ministry!


In His service,


Bishop Dr. Jesus S. & Dr. Isabel Yañez

en English