Congratulations Dr. Kathy Deocampo

Congratulations on your Accomplishment!

Dr. Kathy Deocampo
From the office of The Midwest Rocky Mtn Regional Bishop:
Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman who needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV
It is a great accomplishment that our very own Kathy Deocampo is now to be known as Dr. Kathy Deocampo as she has received a Doctorate of Ministry degree from our sister church school, Pentecostal Theological Seminary!
As a recipient of this degree as well, we, (Dr. Isabel and I) know that it takes lots of dedication to reading, writing and research and of course on our knee prayers, to reach this goal!
We commend you sister Kathy, (excuse me) Dr. Kathy for this goal and the desire to be a blessing to your COGOP family in the Midwest Rocky Mtn Region and abroad. You are raising the bar for many as this challenges Ministers to continue to pursue a higher level of learning.
Bishop Dr. Jesus S. & Dr. Isabel Yañez
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