Remembering Dr. Randall William Waterman: A Tribute to a Beloved Spiritual Leader

Dr. Randall William Waterman

August 7, 1954 - January 29th 2023

Our beloved pastor of Celebration Church in Des Moines, IA., has left with Jesus.

Dr. Randall William Waterman served as a Bishop, theologian, pastor, evangelist, teacher, he traveled the world preaching crusades, planted churches, Hosted “Touched by Fire” Broadcast, taught College Bible courses, Served 50 years in the ministry, he was a mentor, a spiritual father,  he had great comedic timing , and could sing like Elvis. He was the complete package. Any young person who felt a call to the ministry would have benefitted greatly to pull themselves up to the table and eat from the food of his ministry. He never mailed in a sermon, he never winged it or just “go through the motions”. He was prayed up, fired up, and wasn’t fearful to follow the leading of the Holy Ghost. Every Sunday was camp meeting, expecting that the Lord was going to bless someone no matter what their need was. A man of faith, a preacher of righteousness, and a lover of people no matter where they were in life.

He was a man of prayer. You would not see him on Sunday mornings before worship service, he would be in his office seeking God to preach under the anointing and to preach God’s will. Wednesday night prayer meeting , whether he was the only one or two others or a house full he would pray the same, seek God with tears, praying in the Spirit, praying for his people and asking God to continue to lead him by his Spirit.

He was a man of praise and worship. His wife Betty, said the thing that attracted her to him was his love for the Lord and how he worshipped. His emotions would flow, sometimes uncontainable, you didn’t want to stand beside him when he began to praise God, and he had a 20 foot wingspan and could club you in the face.

He loved church and was faithful. As a teen the principle of the school called his mother because Randy had not showed up for school, he skipped school to go clean the church. Though he suffered heart attacks and survived cancer operations when the doctors weren’t sure that he would, even through the pain of recovery he would be at church and preach because he loved preaching, he was faithful to the ministry and his greatest blessing was being used by the Lord.

He was the soul winner. Seldom was there a Sunday where someone didn’t come forward to give their heart to the Lord. They would sign up for baptism, attend the new church membership class and become members of the church.

He believed in miracles. He would pray for the sick and the hurting, the Lord would use him to speak to them the word of knowledge and the word of wisdom and testimonies of healings and God’s direction were prominent.

He was beloved by his church family. He will be greatly missed, and our loss this great, but our joy is full for we know he has moved on to his eternal reward. Celebration Church praises and thanks God for his ministry and family that have been such a great blessing to us.

Dr. Waterman was part of a team, Pastor Betty his wife, was the spark to his flame. Together they made church feel the way church should be. She would set the stage with anointed praise and worship which allowed Randy to enter the pulpit feeling the presence of the Lord. A match made in heaven. Separate they were good but together they were dynamite! Their love for each other was an example to us all, and sometimes sickeningJ Together they raised three children, Dione Hartley, Summer Stevens and Sean Waterman. He leaves five grandchildren, London, Alec, Alexandria, Mia and Alistair.

Good bye Randy my friend, I can’t wait to see you Over Yonder, no more pain, no more tears, to forever be with the Lord. Amen.

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