Convention Announcement


We are thankful to God for the opportunity to meet again.

We are grateful for our faithful Presbyters, Pastors and Christian Family.

This year’s Convention Theme is: Jesus Constructor of Community.

We are anticipating a great time of worship, praise and celebration.

We will be welcoming new workers as well as honoring those who will 

be entering into another season of service for the Lord.

Thank you for being faithful to the Lord and to His Church.

Thank you for your support and for every expression of love and appreciation. 

Thank you for welcoming us when we go by your place to visit, as you always make us feel so welcomed and loved. We want you to know that we Love and Care for you very much.

At this convention we want to honor all those who serve in their particular state and community.  We could never have reached the goals we were able to reach without each one of you.  

It has been 4 years since we were all together as a region and we are so happy that you are here. It has been a great Honor and Privilege to serve as Regional Overseers for 13 years. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to make this time of convention more pleasant and enjoyable for you. 

- Bishop Dr. Jesse & Dr. Isabel Yañez

en English