Governor Reynolds Church Opening Guidelines

Greetings Iowa Ministry,

28:  Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.
– Acts 20:28  (NIV)
While our goal was to reopen as per our Presbyters meeting and care for our local churches and its members. We realize we cannot dictate when you should open up the building for regular while limited services, we are extending a word of caution as to remember that the economy is needing a boost, but not at the cost of endangering our congregations.
I urge you to look at these guidelines to prepare as some are doing so to open up their doors to attendance, which may yet be a limited attendance.
Please print and post what the governors response to opening is, and by all means we as ministers and caretakers of those whom Jesus has given to our care, want to do the most possible to care for our flock.
We had advised that 1st Sunday in June would be a good start time.
Let us continue to view the effects this horrendous plague is having on our state.  
Our prayer is that you make and well informed decision as you proceed forward to having a pulpit platform.
Sincerely, Bishop Dr. Jesse Yañez 
en English