2020 FOCUS

Periodically, I like to look through my prayer journal and celebrate God’s goodness and gracious provision in my life. This practice also provides a good opportunity to reflect on spiritual directives or insights into God’s Word that the Holy Spirit has emphasized. A review is especially beneficial when we are transitioning into a new year or ministry season. As we moved into this new decade of 2020, the word “focus” definitely resonated in my heart.

Focus on what?

Although we may learn from our past, we shouldn’t live focused on the past—victories or adversities. If we are going to have 2020 spiritual vision for what lies before us in His kingdom and our world, I believe God wants to remind us to fix our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2 NIV).

Question answered . . . focus on JESUS!

How easily we tend to focus on challenging circumstances, stumble over seemingly insurmountable obstacles, or drown in overwhelming fears that we can never do enough or be good enough to meet everyone’s expectations of us. All the while, Jesus is trying to recapture our gaze, so He can remind us of how our primary assignment to love God and love others—the Great Commandment—empowers us to fulfill going and making disciples of all nations—the Great Commission.

Yet, I love how Jesus encapsulated His divine directive with this commentary: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me . . . And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:18, 20 BSB).

Essentially, He is saying to us, “I’ll be right there with you. Just keep your eyes on me, and I’ll not only show you how it’s done; I’ll give you the power and authority to do it.”

You can do it . . . FOCUS!

   Kay Horner
   Executive Director
   The Helper Connection


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