Overseer Highlights of 2018

The Midwest/Rocky Mtn Region, Inc. of The Church of God of Prophecy, was assembled together by Bishop Sam Clements, the North American Presbyter in 2008.  Two Overseers were replaced and Bishop Jesse Yañez was appointed to Oversee the combined states,  of Colorado, Nebraska, Iowa and Minnesota, square miles total 325,259 sq. miles.  That is the size of the state of Texas plus North Carolina in square miles, which the total 322,400 sq. miles. We do have a large area and our churches are involved in almost every area of these states. The following information is the driving miles for church and ministers visitation of the Regional Bishop and wife. And does not reflect our flights and our Doctoral classes.

7th   Visited the Emmanuel Spanish church in Des Moines, 
11th -Thursday went to Osceola Iowa to meet with Pastors.  
13th -Sister Gwinn’s Funeral in Minneapolis 
         Minnesota Ministers Meeting Anoka.
14th  Council Bluffs Iowa-Pastor Compton & Margaret Wharton & visited former pastor Boots.
         4 pm we spoke at an independent Spanish church with Bro & Sister Wooden.
15th  Visited with Bishop Howard Pruitt and had lunch with the Woodens. 
Isabel participated in an announcement for Apostle Vanessa Ward’s bid for Governor of NE
21st- Ottumwa Iowa and spoke at the church, had lunch with the Ellenberger’s.
23rd-Tuesday-luncheon fellowship with the Waterman’s.
28th – Boone Iowa COGOP, spoke and had lunch with the Crutchfield’s. 
This month visited 10 churches; met with 31 ministers; & drove 1596 miles.

1st. Luncheon with minister couple in Des Moines, Pastor Salvador & Roxanna Gonzalez.
4th Preached at Atlantic and had lunch with the Winford’s.
7th Worthington Minnesota on Wednesday for a meeting with the church.
11th Osceola Iowa & lunch with the Tamayo’s.
17th Visited Liberian family in Cedar Rapids with Pastor Bell.  Visited Pastor Adonis & Nahoza at their new home in Cedar Rapids as well as spent the night with the Bells.  And preached at both the English morning service and the African afternoon service.
20th Zoom conference call with Presbyters.
21st.  Houston, Texas to defend our Doctoral thesis.
25th. Church Anniversary of a former member of my church in Houston, at his new pastorate
26th.  Doctoral Defense begin, Isabel and I were the last ones on Tuesday, we did good! 
Visited 13 ministers; visited 6 churches & 6 sermons; travelled 3600 miles 

5th   Drove back from Texas
11th-Preached at independent church in Des Moines, Iowa, with Pastor Gonzalez.
17th-Colorado 1 day CMI Intensive in Denver with Kathy Creasy & Ministers meeting afterwards.   PM-supper with the host Pastor Scott & Joy Josifek and Kathy Creasy.
18th  Preached at Mt. View & had lunch with Colorado Children’s Director Kathy Deocampo.
24th.- Omaha then on Sunday preached at the Cornerstone COGOP, had lunch with the Pastor’s Wooden, and preached at Independent Spanish church we are working with.
30th Iowa youth rally in Osceola with directors Victor & Yessica Torres.  (Lot’s of youth)
31st drove to Windom Minnesota for the Easter service and spoke to a new English group.
Visited 19 ministers; preached 5 sermons; visited 8 churches; travelled 2125 miles

5th funeral for Retired Pastor Mike Arnold passed away and I missed the flight.  
5th-8th- C.A. General Presbyter Ben & Dee Feliz, came to minister at Men’s Retreat in Ashland Nebraska.  record attendance 133 men, with directors Otoniel Alvarez and Neil Daley!
12th – 18th  Ohio to Overseer’s meeting & met with my nephew and his family in Cincinnati. 
19th -22nd  Ladies Retreat (record attendance) with Clara Wooden and team; F&S and Presbyters meeting in Omaha Nebraska, and hosted Kay Horner & ministry team from Tennessee
24th luncheon fellowship with the Waterman’s
26th-visited with Pastor Crutchfield in Boone Iowa. 
spoke at Emmanuel Spanish church at night
28th- visited with Pastor Gonzalez and his wife.
29th – had a meeting and preached in the Boone church. 
Visited with 31 ministers; Preached at 3 churches; travelled 1005 miles (Regional)

5th.- lunch meeting with interim Boone Pastor Kevin and Joyce Johnson in Boone. 
6th- Celebration church in Des Moines
9th-16th-Boston to graduate and receive our Doctoral degree! PTL!
My youngest daughter took us to see the Red Sox play at Fenway Park, it was great!  We went whale watching and she bought us tickets to see Gladys Knight perform in Boston.  
23rd. drove to Texas to my grandson’s graduation!  
We met with 14 ministers and visited 2 churches.

3rd.  Celebration Church 
7th.-Emmanuel Spanish church in Iowa
8th.- meeting with Pastor Adonis & son, & supper with Dr. Compton & Margaret Wharton.  9th. Minister Review Board met to interview Kevin & Joyce Johnson.
14th Emmanuel church 
15th treasurer’s meeting in Des Moines, Marilyn Landreth, and outgoing treasurer Alex Medina.
Met with 12 Ministers; visited 4 churches and travelled 475 miles.

8th.-Cedar Rapids on 1 young lady gave her heart to Jesus, at the African church a young man gave his heart to Jesus! PTL!
10th – we left for Cleveland for the Presbytery meetings. And was there for the 100th annual Assembly of the COGOP!  Was reappointed for 4 years as Presiding Bishop of Midwest Rocky Mtn Region.  Met with Dr. Plumley AMD business, and met with Mark Menke and Dr. Ortiz and Perry & Kay Horner.
15th.-Celebrated our 46th Wedding Anniversary!
17th.-Fields of The Woods
28th.- Spanish group in Cedar Rapids 
29th.- El Betel Spanish church in Des Moines, Lunch with Pastor Gonzalez & Family
Met with 20 ministers; travelled 2675 miles; 4 souls saved; 5 churches visited.

2nd.-Met with Pastor Ben Winford about website.  
3rd.- Holdridge  Nebraska to visit Otoniel Alvarez. 
4th.- Attended Pastor Tamayo’s son’s wedding in Lexington Nebraska.  
5th. Preached at Kearney English church and a Spanish church. And visited with Pastors Don & Ann Endecott and Pastors Edgar & Eunice Boteo.

August 8, turned 65!!  
10th.-Attended Tesean and Hanna’s Wedding in Omaha 
11th.-assisted in Apostle Vanessa Wards block party.  
12th. Council Bluffs Iowa had lunch with Dr. Compton & Margaret Wharton, 
p.m. preached at independent Spanish church.
13th. Taught Online class AMD/PTS
18th.-Attending & assisted in a wedding in the African church in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
22nd.-meeting in Minneapolis church. 
23rd. -Meeting with 5 Ministers individually in Minneapolis
24th-26th. Windom Mn to Pastors daughters 15th.
26th – pm- Pastor Romero’s birthday celebration service in Worthington Mn.
Met with 20 ministers; visited 13 churches; travelled 3205 miles.

1st.-Performed wedding in Georgia 
4th-5th-Met with Church leaders in Cleveland Tennessee for planning strategy.
5th-7th.-attended the 1st bi-lingual G-6 Retreat in Rome Georgia.
10th.-Isabel’s B/D.  lunch with Bishop Ben & Dee Feliz;  supper with Perry & Kay Horner.
23rd set forth 3 Lay-Ministers in Celebration Church in Des Moines Iowa.  
24th.-Zoom Meeting with Presbyters and wives  
29th dedicated new Osceola Spanish church building!
Visited with 12 ministers; 5 churches; 2685 miles travelled.

10th.- Revival with several ministers in Des Moines Spanish church with Evangelist David Woods. 12th.- lunch with Evangelist Woods and his family.
13th.-Visited with Pastor Gonzalez about our church biblical principles.
14th.- Visited Cedar Rapids to boost CMI inn English and African church. 
15th.- Taught Online class 
19th – 20th.-A crew of 31 men went to help Windom Mn. reroof their building.
21st.-Sleepy Eye Mission & luncheon with Pastor Luna and mission congregation
26th-27th.-Left for Nebraska Rally in Kearney 
28th.-preached at Lexington, Nebraska
Met with 25 Ministers; preached 5 sermons; travelled 1701 miles; 12 churches

2nd.-4th.-Attended a CMI with Shawn McKinley in Cedar Rapids Iowa. 65 attendees!
6th.-Presbyters Zoom Meeting
9th-10th.-Flight to Colorado for Rally.  Meeting with all Colorado ministers present.
11th.-Visited Greeley English church in the am & preached at a Spanish mission in the pm.
12th.-Visited with Western Slope Pastors Andy & Kathy Valdez, and Jeremiah Quintin.
13th. Visited with Snowmass deacons and independent church Pastors Daniel & Teresa Olave.
13th,-Preached in Ft. Morgan and had fellowship with Pastor Isabel & Ramon Acosta.
14th.-Preached at Aurora Spanish Church and interviewed by Youth Director Tony Bustamante. 
17th.Iowa Rally in Celebration Church. 
18th.-Preached at Celebration church 
22nd-26th.Celebrated Thanksgiving with my daughter and granddaughter and she took us to Minneapolis to see the Vikings play.
Met with 41 ministers; 6 sermons; 1808 miles travelled. Visited 10 churches 

1st -Batan passing ceremony with Pastors Allen Crutchfield & Kevin Johnson. & Luncheon.
7th. Online class ended.
11th.-visited Shenandoah members and transferred to Atlantic with Pastor Ben.
25th.-Celebrated Christmas in Iowa and had an enjoyable time.
29th.-Midwest Regional Corporation ends of year Board Zoom meeting.
30th.-Preached in Asian Church and Spanish church as well in Des Moines Iowa.
30th.- a historic day for our Region as we welcome our 1st Asian Minister & wife in Des Moines 
Visited 18 ministers; 6 churches; 5 sermons; traveled 520 miles. 

Our Vision for the Midwest/Rocky Mtn. Region is: 
To Continue to help Pastors accomplish their task as administrators of the local congregation.
To build and equip a ministry team to assist in disciplining youth, children and other called of the Lord!
We anticipate 2019 to be a record soul-winning year for the Midwest/Rocky Mtn. Region!

en English